Breaking down ‘Breaking Bad’ with Nick Collison

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Besides being a screen-setting and pick-and-roll buff, Nick Collison is a bit of a television aficionado. Or at least put it this way: He watches good shows.
One of his favorites is AMC’s “Breaking Bad,” which returns for its highly, highly anticipated final season this Sunday. So I asked Nick a few questions about what he thought about this last season, and he was kind enough to answer them.
(It should go without saying, but if you’re not caught up, I’d advise not reading.)
1. How do you think the show will end and how do you think it should end?
We will think Walt gets away with everything, but the last image will be some loose end that could lead to him getting caught and we will be left to guess. That twist will be similar to the episode that ends showing the plant in Walt’s yard, which led you to believe he poisoned that kid, but you aren’t totally sure. I think that would be a good way to end it. It will extend the buzz with all the questions about a possible movie in the future.
2. Where do you stand on Walt? You still rooting for him or do you think he’s pure evil?
I’m rooting for him and I think he’s pretty much pure evil at the same time. I’m not sure what that says about me. I think it has to do with the way they have built Walt’s character and how they tell the story. It’s more about the character, whom I feel I know, and less about the terrible things he is doing. I feel the same way about Don Draper (Mad Men), Tony Soprano (The Sopranos), Nucky Thompson (Boardwalk Empire), and a lot of the drug dealers on The Wire. These are guys who kill innocent people, cheat on their wives, and sell drugs, among other activities that are traditionally looked down upon in TV and movies. In the past those have always been the guys who get what’s coming to them in the end. I think I root for these guys because they have just enough of a heart to make me feel like they are really good guys who have just let the power get to them….and they are also badasses.
This is pretty much why girls fall for guys they know are bad for them. They think deep down he really is a sweet guy who needs a girl like her to change him. They think about him sitting on the couch with her watching “The Bachelor” and nodding while she constantly criticizes the hottest girl. She will think he’s agreeing with her when really he’s thinking of all the different ways he would… sorry I got a little off track. Whats the next question?
3. With him basically getting out, what do you think Jesse’s role will be in the last season?
Jesse continues to want out but is too loyal to Walt. There will be a reason he must stick around to protect Walt. He will play a major hand in saving Walt’s ass.
4. Who dies? Somebody’s dying, right?
Jesse will die. It will be sad as hell. Bryan Cranston will make everyone tear up with how well he shows Walt’s pain, anguish, guilt etc.
5. What happens with all that money?
Walt will give it all away to a good cause so we all feel Walt finally gets it and is a good dude. Then Jesse will die because of his loyalty to Walt and we will be conflicted again.
6. How much influence will finale of the show have in terms of how you feel about it overall? As in, if you don’t like the ending, does it kind of ruin the whole thing for you?
I’m not going to get too caught up in the finale. It will be really difficult for the ending to live up to how good this series has been. I think these shows start with a general idea of how the story will go, but they don’t know how many seasons or episodes they will get so it’s almost impossible to map out a perfect beginning, middle, and end. I don’t really remember other shows that I have liked for what happens at the end. I only remember they were awesome and I list them in my all time favorites when I talk about TV with my friends.