Dressing for success, or a championship

Mike Ehrmann/NBAE/Getty Images
OK, so the idea was this: You know how Rick Pitino told his Louisville team he’d get a tattoo if they won a national title this season?
What if Scott Brooks made the Thunder a similar deal, but instead of something permanent like an “I heart KD” tattoo, he just agreed to let Russell Westbrook dress him for a week, or maybe even just a day.
“A week?” Brooks responded.
OK, a game then.
“Take away his last outfit?”
No his choice. Whatever he picks.
Brooks pondered it for just a moment and then he must’ve seen himself wearing red-rimmed glasses, a cowboy hat and yellow pants. Because his answer was definitive.
“No shot,” he said, shaking his head. “No shot.”
What you didn’t like the sleeveless hoodie look?
“No, I liked the sleeveless. I just didn’t like the shoes.”
I asked Russ for his thoughts. What does he think of a deal with Brooks to dress him for like a week or something if the Thunder win the title.
“Not a week. I give him like two days or something,” Westbrook said. “Maybe for like an event. But two weeks may be too many clothes to get, so I’d say like a day or two.”
I find it incredibly hard to believe that Russell Westbrook would have trouble picking out clothes for someone for a couple weeks. But whatever. So what would Russ pick for Scotty 2 Hotty?
“He’s a cool guy. He’s small so he can fit in stuff off the rack,” Westbrook said. “I’d probably try to put some color in to him, make sure he gets some bright colors in there.”
So come on, Scotty. You’re trading one day, the season opener, or if you don’t like that, the preseason opener, to be written in stone as the coach of an NBA champion. And nothing keeps Russell’s focus quite like fashion, so with that extra little motivation in there, that might just be the thing that puts you over the top.
I think that’s worth it, don’t you?