Friday Bolts: 05.22.20
Basketball is coming back.
Joe Ingles cast doubt on his own return to play this season, citing concerns for his family’s health, in comments transcribed by Peter Mitchell (Australian AP). Thunder in 4. But also, respect to Ingles, who will absolutely get roasted for even flirting with this, despite it being completely reasonable to protect a child with a vulnerable immune system. He’s also breaking the ice for other players who will undoubtedly want to sit out while a thirsty sports world pressures them to play at risk.
Guess what else is back? The Daily Thunder podcast. Peep your feed.
Question: Billy or Scotty?
Crossbolts Episode 8: Daily Thunder Beat Reporter @brandonrahbar and Senior Writer @oliviapanchal debate Thunder head coaches– Scott Brooks vs. Billy Donovan. Sorry, Coach Carlesimo… #ThunderUp
— Daily Thunder (@dailythunder) May 20, 2020
Another question: was competing this season worth it?
Crossbolts Episode 9: Daily Thunder Beat Reporter @brandonrahbar and Senior Writer @oliviapanchal discuss OKC's win total and what's more important– post-season success or getting a higher draft pick? #ThunderUp
— Daily Thunder (@dailythunder) May 21, 2020
DT’s Brandon Rahbar went on The Uncontested podcast to revisit the 2013 draft.