Friday Bolts – 10.28.16

The 76er fan “apologized” to Westbrook: “As a part-time comedian I realize that my words and

actions are sometimes inappropriate. In this instance, after standing up to boo and being provoked by Russell Westbrook calling attention to my being overweight, my action in response was clearly inexcusable and I am embarrassed. I sincerely apologize to my fellow Sixers fans, the Sixers organization, my colleagues and patients, and to Mr. Westbrook for my behavior.”
Enes Kanter in a Q&A: “I need to think about that one. (Turns around to see if the Thunder PR are listening to the interview.) Probably Trump. Can I say that? Yeah, I would ask him, ‘What’s wrong with you, man?’ Yeah, probably Trump to try to see what’s his problem.”
No one is buying the Sixer fan’s explanation.
Kevin Durant put in some WORK last night y’all to stick it to his haters. (Everyone was watching, right?)
Kevin Pelton of on redefining grit: “A former consultant for McKinsey & Company, Duckworth became intrigued by the notion of grit when she was working as a math and science teacher and trying to figure out why talented students didn’t always succeed and seemingly less-talented kids sometimes did. Duckworth’s answer, eventually arrived at while working toward a graduate degree in psychology, was grit. Her version of the term, summarized in her recent New York Times bestseller “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance,” isn’t quite the same as the one used traditionally in sports. Instead, Duckworth defines grit as “passion and perseverance for long-term goals.” The concept gained scientific rigor when Duckworth tested West Point cadets using the “grit scale” she created. Despite not having a relationship with academic achievement in high school or SAT performance, grit proved a better predictor of which cadets would drop out of grueling basic training.”
Matt Moore of “Russell Westbrook is 1-0, Kevin Durant is 0-1 and Westbrook has worn a kilt once more than Durant. Westbrook is just dominating this rivalry in the first 48 hours of the season. Granted, the Thunder did have trouble dispatching the Sixers, but Westbrook was predictably brilliant with 32 points, 12 rebounds and nine assists. Plus, the Sixers looked … you know … like a real NBA team.”
Nick Metallinos for “Adams is one of those NBA players that genuinely comes back each season a better player than the one before. Now entering his fourth NBA campaign, his scoring output has increased each season, along with his shooting percentage. Adams says that he doesn’t specifically pinpoint one part of his game to work on during the summer, rather, he works on his overall play. Something that’s helped him become one of the league’s best big men.”