Friday Bolts – 9.18.15

Zach Lowe of Grantland: “The union had the same reservations about SportVU camera data, which tracks running speed, distance, and player location during games. The league outfitted all 29 arenas with SportVU cameras in fall 2013, and every team now has access to the same trove of camera data on every player. (Teams can pay for more data and better interpretations of it, but they all have access to a basic level of SportVU stuff.) As an aside, tracking the ball itself is an issue for the cameras, and you can expect the NBA over the next half-decade to push for the installation of some tracking device inside the ball. That will be a fun discussion. Remember the synthetic leather balls?”
Ian Levy for “When Durant, Westbrook and Ibaka have been on the floor together, the Thunder have outscored opponents by an average of 10.1 points per 100 possessions. A team able to maintain that level of point differential across an entire season would project to win about 68 games, so we’re talking about elite territory. The issue: Because of each player’s injury struggles, the Thunder have only had that trio intact for 152 of a possible 246 games over the past three seasons (or about 62%). Sadly, that pattern has held for the playoffs as well, with the three suiting up in just 19 of 30 games ( 63%). Last year, the group managed only 616 minutes together. And we’re surprised they didn’t make the playoffs?”
Here’s Daryl Morey dressed as a princess singing karaoke.
Shaun Powell of “And that raises another question that must be addressed by Donovan: Can he elevate OKC’s defense to be almost on par as the Thunder’s offense? If Donovan can get the players to buy into the idea of defense and make the necessary sacrifices, then pencil OKC as the strong favorites in the NBA. In the end, that’s what the summer of 2015 was about, finding a new voice and leader and system and hoping that, along with good health, puts OKC in the driver’s seat. Last season, a first-time NBA coach managed to walk away with the NBA title. The Thunder hopes Donovan can follow Steve Kerr, and in order for that to happen, Donovan most likely will have to beat Kerr.”
Neat gif of all the All-NBA teams.
Chris Bosh: “Well, I guess. I had a pulmonary embolism — a blood clot in my left lung. I had the shortness of breath. I had the shooting pains. I did not pay attention to it. I should’ve called my doctor right off the bat. My wife still gives me a hard time about it, but Boomer, you know how it is. You’re an athlete and you just say, ‘Hey, I’m going to go out there. I’m going to keep playing. I can’t let my team and the fans down.'”