Google explains the Thunder, part two

Hopefully you saw the first run at this. If not, you didn’t miss much except for some pretty lame jokes.
But I had a friend tell me I messed up the idea. He said, “No, no. You’ve got to Google their name and add ‘is’ at the end of it. That’ll tell you what you really need to know.” So here’s take two at letting Google explain the Thunder. (I didn’t like these results near as much anyway. People are mean and weird.)

Harden is… muslim? That’s the first result? That’s beard stereotyping and I do not approve. But probably more offensive than that is the “James Harden is a bust” result. James Harden is not a bust. He’s the opposite. He was picked third overall and while yeah, you might think a No. 3 pick should be some kind of superstar, Harden has done exactly what he has needed to do for the Thunder and he’s only getting better.
I just hope next year the top result is “James Harden is a starter.”

I like the people that Google’d “Kevin Durant is the best player in the NBA.” It’s like they wanted to see who else out there agrees with their statement. (And if you’re wondering, no, I didn’t spend the last two months constantly Googling “Kevin Durant is the best player in the NBA” just so that it would have enough searches to show up.)
Weird note: If you rephrase it, “Is Kevin Durant…” the third result is “Is Kevin Durant Haitian?” That’s odd, no?

Yikes. Sounds like Google is part of the national media. I think Google and Skip Bayless could be friends.

Google’s figured out your scam, Byron.