KD did not diss Oklahoma City. Move on, nothing to see here

It’s the offseason, people. And if this darn lockout doesn’t get settled, we’ll be having a lot more conversations like this one, which might lead me to heavy drinking.

But since this is one of those stories that’s gained enough momentum for other, bigger outlets to start discussing, I figured it was time to talk about it. Or at least how stupid is. (Adding to the conversation by saying not to talk about it. Don’t you love it when people do that?)

KD was in Los Angeles last week dunking on the universe, playing L.A. Noire and in general, hanging out. You know, doing things a 22-year-old guy should be doing with his time off. A slimy TMZ dude — who mistook him initially for Chris Bosh, which is hilarious — asked Durant what there is to do for fun in Oklahoma.

“Nothing,” Durant responded back, clearly only half-listening.

To some Oklahomans who have skin as thick as Nenad Krstic’s hair and are hypersensitive about such things, this was seen as a great slight. (Think a certain unnamed radio host will try and run KD out of town for this? I had to ask.) Or to other people around the country who like to bag on Oklahoma for being flat and boring, this was blood in the water. Ha! Kevin Durant hates OKC! I KNEW IT. It’s an insecurity people have here. Like when KD bought the condo in Miami people were worried. News flash: Miami is a cooler place than Oklahoma City. Deal with it.

KD, already taking a beating for it on Twitter, responded with this today: “I dissed Oklahoma cuz I didnt wanna sit n talk to TMZ and all I said was the word nothing..y’all forgot all the times I scream OKC? ok cool.” He also tweeted this last night: “Naww they asked me what do i do n okc n i said nothing.” It’s very possible that with 500 people yelling things at him that he didn’t hear the question correctly. I know, crazy.

And keep this tweet in mind from last week too: “Being in LA makes me love Oklahoma City so much more!! … I love LA but just how quiet n lowkey Oklahoma city is fits me better plus there’s no traffic lol.”

You really think he would’ve signed for five years to stay in OKC if he hated it here? Besides, he’s right. There’s not much to do in OKC. But KD likes doing nothing, so the nothing suits him just fine. And I like by the “it’s not where, but who you’re with that really matters” principle of life. That might kind of be the Oklahoma code for having fun. I like playing golf and Call of Duty. Is that because there’s nothing else to do or just because it’s what I like to do?

I mean, what is there to do in Chicago? What is there to do in Atlanta? Go to da clubbzz? All that crap is overrated. It’s silly.

So is this whole discussion. Now can we please get back to wild speculation about 20-year-old draft prospects?