KD’s one of the stars going to NY for labor meeting Friday

By all appearances, there’s reason for optimism on the NBA lockout front. Owners are hedging a bit on their demand for a hard cap, players are pulling back on the BRI split. And best of all? They’re talking. A lot. Two meetings already this week with another Friday and potentially more over the weekend.
And as you see, some heavy hitters are making the trip for Friday’s meeting. Big name players as well as somewhere in the neighborhood of 15 owners. It’s a big, big day in terms of NBA negotiations. If you’re on the side of optimism, you might see it as a chance to push ahead to a deal. If you not, then you might see it as the league and players doing their best to save face with fans by giving the appearance of trying to strike a deal.
Either way, talking is much better than not.