KD talks about calling out Chris Bosh

Kevin Durant did an interview with Complex Magazine and in it, was asked about his comments on Chris Bosh. You know, where he called him a “fake tough guy.” Here’s what Durant had to say:
You know, I let it get to me a little bit. I’m not the type of person that lets stuff like that get to me. Maybe I shouldn’t have said it, but it is what it is. It’s over, I gotta live with it, it’s something I can’t change. So I stand behind it. Don’t get it confused, I respect him as a player and everything like that, but I’m just standing up for myself and my team.
I think that’s absolutely the right approach. As someone standing there when he said it, it was very obvious at the time that KD was frustrated with the loss. He was a bit more emotional than usual. We’re talking about a guy that HATES to lose, and his team just dropped a really big game on national TV at home. He was bummed.
And that Chris Bosh incident was fresh on his mind. I think KD is acknowledging that maybe he let his emotions get the best of him with his comments, but he’s not pulling a LeBron and backing off. He’s not saying he didn’t know what “fake tough guy” meant. He’s standing behind what he said while also understanding he may have been a bit rash in saying it.
I think that shows off KD’s maturation a lot. Remember, the dude’s only 22 years old. He’s still totally a kid. But the best part about him, is that he really never acts that way.