Kevin Durant says he ‘can go 100 percent’

Kevin Durant was back on the floor today in Las Vegas going through practice drills with Team USA — which included a lot of work with new assistant Monty Williams. He’s not completely cleared to play in terms of 5-on-5 contact, but he says he’s basically 100 percent and is feeling confident, excited and ready for the season.
Here’s a transcript of his post practice media availability (questions paraphrased, and also hat tip to good buddy Marc Stein for the audio):
How has your foot been feeling?
“Oh, I’ve been feeling great, man. This is about my fourth week really getting after it. So I feel good and it’s good to be back in a team setting.”
How much have you been able to do going at 100 percent speed?
“I can go a hundred percent. I’m not going to play 5-on-5 just yet, I’m going to ease into that part, but everything else is no restrictions.”
What’s it like getting back out there with these guys?
“You remember Christmas as a kid? Just like that.”
Does it ever get old, getting out there with the best?
“Nah, never man. Iron sharpens iron. I’d be a fool if I didn’t get with any of these guys. If I wanted to be secretive with about workouts, or be by myself. I’d be stupid to do that. To bounce ideas off of Chris Paul, LaMarcus Aldridge, Draymond Green, Steph Curry, that’s like heaven, like being in basketball heaven with these guys.”
[Some question about being there with competitors.]
“We respect each other as men first of all, and then as basketball players. We know how hard it is to get to this level. And then we compete hard against each other. I think building that relationship with these guys makes us all compete harder. Just having that friendly rivalry as buddies, makes for a better game. Me, I always connect with guys and learn from guys and see what I can steal and put into my game. I’m always looking forward to being on the court with the best.”
When did you start feeling comfortable with the foot?
“I’ve been feeling comfortable about four weeks after surgery, but it’s a long process man and I just tried to stay patient with it. But I didn’t feel any pain in my foot after four weeks, but I just had to be patient and let the bone heal and now I’m getting after it. Four months after surgery, I’m just excited I’m back on the court.”
Any fears during the four months that you wouldn’t get back to this point?
“I had my days where I’m like, ‘Man, this isn’t getting any better, I’m sick of working out, I’ve been working out for a year, I’m ready to play.’ It was kind of like cabin fever almost. Just standing in the gym by myself with the whole Thunder coaching staff and training staff, it feels good to kind of spread my wings a bit and get back out here with the best players in the world.”
Did you do anything to find a competitive release?
“I played a lot of 2K and watched a lot of the NBA Playoffs, even though I said I wouldn’t. That atmosphere, I couldn’t shy away from that so I just wanted to watch it and learn. It was tough man because I love to play the game and not being able to play at the highest level, it was tough for me. But I’m glad I went through that journey and it’s made me a stronger man.”
Lot of guys say when they have an injury like that they appreciate the game more.
“I feel like I always appreciated the game but then it’s like you take it for granted just a little bit because the routine is repetitive every single day. I missed the routine the most. Getting up, going to practice, getting my shots up before practice. I missed all that part, hanging out with the guys in the locker room before the game, I think that’s what I missed the most. You can take that stuff for granted and I think I did that, and I learned my lesson.”
You didn’t always enjoy that routine?
“Yeah, because I was always like, ‘Let’s just play.’ But I know how important it is leading up to a basketball game, how much you have to prepare to play at the highest level. I’m glad I learned my lesson and I’m looking forward to being the best person and player I can be as far a leader, scorer, rebounder, passer, everything. Just trying to be the best I can be and enjoy every single moment.”
Scale of 1 to 10, how do you feel?
“I’ve got to play against the guys to really see, but I feel like I’m back to myself.”
If you had to play a game soon, you feel like you could?
“I haven’t played since February, so of course, I’m human, I’d go through some rust. But I think after two trips down I’d be alright.”
No 5-on-5, right?
“No, just working out and bumping an grinding a little bit with Monty Williams. He’s old but he challenges me a little bit. Nah, but he’s definitely making me better, but that’s all I can get. So many people having be trying me though. I’ll walk down the street and everybody wants to play me 1-on-1 now. I’ll just get pissed. I just want to play again, man. … that competitive juice is just boiling in my body and I’m ready to play.”
What have you learned about Billy Donovan?
“He’s all about connecting with his players and I love that. I had a great relationship with Scotty that we built over seven years and I know what it takes to have that chemistry with your coach. We’ve been building that since he got there and it’s been going well. I’m excited to start the season with him. Xs and Os, he’s one of the best, just from watching film with him and picking his brain. He’s eager to learn and we’re eager to grow with him so it should be a fun year.”
[Free agency question.]
“Man, I’m just trying to focus on getting healthy and being the best player I can be at this point. Every single day keep plugging away, keep stacking up building blocks on my foundation as a player, keep growing and I’ll deal with that once I get there. But my focus is to be the best player and lead my team and just have fun playing the game again. That’s really all I’m focused on. I know you guys have to do your job and ask those type of questions but I’m just trying to focus on being 100 percent committed to Oklahoma City and be the best player and leader I can be.”
Did you watch the free agency circus this summer?
“I wouldn’t say it was a circus. I tip my hat to all the guys that got the deals they wanted, guys that moved teams. I’m just happy for guys that did that wanted to do and were able to take care of their families in the process. I wouldn’t say it was a crazy time, I thought it was great to see.”
What’s the most frustrating thing about media coverage of the NBA?
“Uh, just, I think we should uh. You know what, I’m not going to answer that one.”
Has Chandler Parsons started in on you?
“Uh, nah.”
Do you want the Chandler Parsons treatment, the wining and dining?
“Yeah I heard about that, but he talks a lot of shit too when it doesn’t go his way. But nah, me and Chandler are close friends, we don’t even talk about that stuff. He knows how it is, we’re just buddies. We worked out together before, I’ve known him since high school so he’s not trying to recruit me or nothing.”
Do you want to be recruited? Are you looking forward to that process?
“I’ll worry about that when I get there. I haven’t even thought about being recruited. I’m just trying to go out there and not get cussed out by Russell Westbrook.”
What kind of advice would you give to Joel Embiid?
“He called me and asked me about what doctors I used, and I gave him the information on who I used and why. I just told him to keep his head up. If he ever wants to call or text me throughout the season, ask me questions about how I got through certain phases, I’ll let him know. It’s one of those deals where you have to take it head on and be ready for it because it’s a tough road. A foot injury especially. I took for granted walking around, being able to take a shower by myself, going driving, and going to the bathroom. Not having your foot is tough so I can relate to him so I’m here for him and here to support.”
Did he sound discouraged?
“He didn’t sound discouraged over the phone. Obviously it was before surgery. Before surgery I was happy as well. I didn’t have any pain, but once a couple days after, I couldn’t walk, I couldn’t do things on my own and that’s when it really hit me. So I’m sure he’ll have his days just like anybody else and as brothers in the NBA we should all be there to support him and if he needs advice I’m always here.”
Does it feel like the relationship with Donovan has real potential?
“I’m one of those guys, I’m open to anybody. I loved the energy from the beginning, I loved what he said in the press conference and our individual meeting on what he wants to bring and the type of mindset he has. I’m just trying to follow his lead and learn as much as I can from him and just be coachable.”