Durant takes Twitter questions, prefers ‘KD’ over ‘Slim Reaper’
Kevin Durant answered a few Twitter questions today and gave his take on his new nickname: He still likes KD.
(I’m all on board with Slim Reaper, but he’s KD. That’s just who he is.)
Here are the questions KD answered today:
I'm gonna answer a few questions..haven't been on twitter in a while so go ahead, look forward to hearing from everyone
— Kevin Durant (@KDTrey5) January 23, 2014
I like KD better RT @BuatsRovert: @KDTrey5 thoughts on slim reaper as a nickname?
— Kevin Durant (@KDTrey5) January 23, 2014
I cant wait for next season! Coach is gonna kill it RT @DowlingAtDaMoon: @KDTrey5 what do you think of jay Gruden as the redskins head coach
— Kevin Durant (@KDTrey5) January 23, 2014
Ish smith or John wall RT @WNP_1: @KDTrey5 who's the fastest NBA player?!
— Kevin Durant (@KDTrey5) January 23, 2014
Steph any day, best shooter to ever play RT @nickyokoyama: @KDTrey5 You or Steph Curry in a 3-Point Contest?
— Kevin Durant (@KDTrey5) January 23, 2014
I love his passion, he is a dog RT @KishanPatel92: @KDTrey5 What did you think of the @RSherman_25 interview
— Kevin Durant (@KDTrey5) January 23, 2014
VC RT @iGett_Bucketz: @KDTrey5 why did you grow up a raptor fan
— Kevin Durant (@KDTrey5) January 23, 2014
They play hard!!! RT @GreyStephens: @KDTrey5 UT looking scrappy this year. What do you think of the team?
— Kevin Durant (@KDTrey5) January 23, 2014
@RealStevenAdams by far RT @dennis232476: @KDTrey5 Which one of your teammates is the funniest?
— Kevin Durant (@KDTrey5) January 23, 2014