Monday Bolts – 2.18.13

Via the AP: “The pop star was shown a video of Oklahoma City All-Star Russell Westbrook

singing along to her hit “Die Young” before a recent game against the Mavericks. “It was the cutest, hottest thing ever to see a basketball player doing that to my song,” Ke$ha said. Told that Westbrook is known as one of the NBA’s most fashionable players because of his unique ensembles, Ke$ha wasn’t surprised. “I’m sure he is, if he likes my music then he must have good taste,” she said with a giggle. Westbrook isn’t the only NBA player who has taken a liking to Ke$ha’s tunes. She’s also been alerted to other video clips of ballers enjoying her work. “Lots of basketball players like to dance around to my songs, so it’s made me more and more of a fan,” she said.”
KD writing style for GQ: Dear Houston… All-Star weekend, style wise, is one great show. Outfits have been picked out for months for some celebs and industry folks. We are all competitive by nature, so in a cool way everyone is trying to out do everyone else. And that’s good—look at LeBron and Melo last night at Jordan’s 50th BDay party, they killed it. But, I always try to remember to not get too amped on big events and try to dress outside my natural self. People always say, “Their best and brightest.” But sometimes—a lot of the time—your best isn’t your brightest. You don’t have to wear crazy prints and colors just because you know Russell or Kanye does. I choose inspiration over imitation every time. I see what some guys are wearing and I take out bits and pieces and apply them to what I do. But you have to be yourself. D. Wade is stylish because he’s himself. Russ, CP, all those guys. Some folks this weekend are trying to “out do” the big named players and celebs but remember you always have to ask yourself this, and only this: do you like what you have on? Yes? Cool. No? Go change. There’s still time. See yall tonight at the dunk contest.”
Russ having fun at the Shooting Stars.
Darnell Mayberry: “Here’s why Durant didn’t win MVP. Ten of his 30 were a product of Paul’s passes. CP3 set up Durant (and everybody else) for some easy buckets. Durant’s scoring looked great on the scoreboard. But the way Paul assisted him (and others) was more dominant.”
A bunch of videos and GIFs from last night.
Sports heartbreak and the Thunder.
Elias: “Kevin Durant scored 30 points in the Western Conference’s 143-138 win in the NBA All-Star Game. Durant scored 34 points in the 2011 All-Star Game and 36 last year, when he was named the game’s most valuable player. Only one other player scored at least 30 points in an All-Star Game as the reigning ASG MVP: Julius Erving, who scored 34 points in 1984.”
Russell Westbrook’s outfit last night was something, even for a Russell Westbrook outfit.
Henry Abbott of TrueHoop on the changing NBA: “Things are changing off the court in a way that argues for a more fluid game, too. Until recently, the league got most of its money from local, ticket-buying fans whose main concern was seeing the home team do well. Now people watching on screens drive the lion’s share of the revenues — furthermore, whoever owns the most thrilling live on-screen entertainment on the planet stands to reap billions from paying digital subscribers around the globe. The NBA is in that conversation. David Stern mused at All-Star about fans the world over watching live NBA games by smartphone.”
Nick Gallo of the team’s official site: “That long-view mindset of how he and Westbrook will remember these times is one that also stems from their shared past present and future with the Thunder organization. Both players have team-first mentalities and after a long weekend in Houston that accentuated their individual talents, both men are ready to get back to work with the rest of their Thunder teammates and the coaching staff led by Head Coach Scott Brooks.”