New DT-Shirts and full re-stock coming Oct. 23

It’s that time of year again. No, not basketball time. T-shirt time. And the good people at Tree and Leaf are working their butts off (literally, I think Dusty’s butt has literally come completely off) to have a full re-stock of last year’s Daily Thunder shirts plus three or four new designs for the upcoming season.
Want to see what they look like? Here’s a small preview with two more after the jump:

This Saturday, Oct. 23 is the day set to release the shirts. The store opens at 10 a.m. and will be open until 7 p.m. The shirts won’t be online at that time as T&L is working on a new website and ordering system that will be wayyyy better. So if you’re out of state, hang in there, you’ll get your shot.
A fourth new shirt is potentially in the works so that might come out with the online release. But if you missed out on an Air Congo shirt, a Durantula shirt or maybe you just want an extra It Must Be The Beard shirt, be at T&L this Saturday.