Saturday Morning Cartoons: KD’s ridiculous swag at Barry Farms

(One of the reasons I started these Saturday morning video posts was to give a pseudo open thread for folks to stop by and visit about anything going on with the team. Some have been treating them as such already, but feel free to ramble on about whatever within. And in the meantime, maybe enjoy a random video that I thought was worthy of showing you.)

This video has been around for over a year, but I just saw it for the first time last week via TrueHoop. It’s just an awesome street ball video featuring one of those very near and dear to our heart. Kevin Durant is playing with others in the Goodman League and he goes all Rookie/Sophomore game on them. He dropped 62 points during the game and basically decided he was going to score at will, especially down the stretch. KD returned and played in the league again late last night, but results haven’t been posted yet. In the meantime, enjoy Kid Delicious absolutely dominating last year’s game.