Saturday Morning Cartoons: Let’s all pause for a moment and admire this
I’m coming clean: This video is a weekly watch for me. I’m not even kidding. I literally watch at least once a week. I don’t know why, but I love it. Watching Kevin Durant score buckets is like catching Jurassic Park on AMC right when the cars stop at the Tyrannosaur paddock. You’re going to stop and watch. And when KD gets rolling, he gets rolling. He pulls up from anywhere and he just takes the dang thing over. I have a feeling we’re going to have a bunch more of these type of games in our future.
(And two bonus cartoons for this lovely Saturday: Watch a few Russ and KD Team USA highlights here and here. Westbrook has some particularly nice plays. Thank you for your support of Daily Thunder. Go see The Hurt Locker tonight. It’s freaking good.)