The Side Part: Ask questions

Layne Murdoch/NBAE/Getty Images
I started a customer service job at this internet company once and the training manager told me to ask questions. Lots of them, she said. Especially early. That way we know you care about doing the job the right way. Because there’s lots to this job that we haven’t taught you yet and if you’re attempting these tasks without asking questions then I can almost guarantee that you’re going to be doing it wrong.
Sorry again about throwing you into the fire so quickly, we’re just so busy and we don’t have time to go over every single thing. There is free Mountain Dew in the fridge, though. It’s yours whenever you like. But please, ask questions. If you need me I’ll be in here looking at boots on Zappos for three hours.
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There are questions surrounding the Thunder going into this season. Lots of them.
Will Westbrook be as fast and explosive as he was pre-injury?
Has Serge developed a back to the basket game over the summer and he’s just waiting till the season starts to unveil it?
Will Kevin Martin be missed?
Is it possible to miss a player that already went missing way back in the playoffs?
Will the Thunder ever break down and do all orange alternate jerseys?
Does Rhett Bomar still get wasted and go to Hornets games?
Can you forget something you hate, like Rhett Bomar or the Harden trade or Kevin Martin’s shot motion or Xavier Lawson Kennedy’s old Twitter presence — guarantee really worked out for him — or do you hate it so much that it becomes ingrained in you to know it and recognize it forever so that you can see its likeness in the future and avoid such perils?
Will Kevin Durant have a 60 point game this year?
Will Kevin Durant have a 15 assist game this year?
Will Kevin Durant have a 20 rebound game this year?
Will Westbrook lead the league in field goal attempts again?
When Lamb doesn’t attack on offense how many publications statewide choose a headline that’s a pun on his last name?
Will Garth Brooks sit court side?
Who is the first guy Russ dunks on once he’s back playing? Is it Dwight Howard? Can I frame that poster and get it signed?
Will Olivia Munn sit court side?
Does Rumble finally take the leap this year and emerge as the premier mascot in the game?
Will Olivia Munn return my calls?
Can Reggie Jackson improve his decision making and get everyone involved while he’s out there?
Will Hinder and Hansen both carry the torch as Oklahoma bands and finally sing the National Anthem together like everyone wants?
Does Westbrook put “Brodie” on the back of his jersey from here on out?
When Reggie Jackson starts off the season playing well who makes the Mr. November joke first?
Will Kevin Durant’s tattoos expand beyond the world of business and into the world pleasure?
Will Scott Brooks finally start playing like he practices and decide to wear glasses in an actual game?
Will Thabo Sefolosha respond to my many emails about him starring in a web series I wrote titled ThaBro SefBroBrosha about the life of a former NBA star who now works at The Buckle?
Will Nick Collison respond to my many emails about him starring in a post apocalyptic short film I wrote titled Nick Collison Is The Last Man Alive?
Will Kevin Durant finally respond and rap over one of several beats I produced and sent to him?
Do those in charge of KD’s restaurant give any thought to the fact that when people say the name quickly it’s going to sound like they’re saying the name “Katie’s”?
Will Brooks play Russ and Reggie together at all after Russ comes back?
Will Clay Bennett aka Clay Bundles finally end the beef he has with Lil Wayne or will he go scorched earth on him and put out his till now unreleased diss record “I Treated You Like You Were Seattle”?
What nuance has Durant added to his game this offseason? Will his handle be even more improved? Will he operate from the post more?
Can Steven Adams crack the rotation or will it still be Perk and Thabeet getting the lion’s share of the burn come playoff time?
Is Derek Fisher still alive?
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It’s almost here. October 30th. Thirteen days till the Thunder are in Salt Lake trying to not let Enes Canter and Derrick Favors and Trey Burke and the rest of that jazzy squad spoil the opener for everyone in Oklahoma. We’re less that two weeks away, then it’s party time.