This is a good picture

The Thunder’s bench mob took a bit of a hit when Nate Robinson was bought out and left the team. Gone was the flapping arms, the crazy screaming and wild towel waving. Royal Ivey has tried to carry the load by himself, but that’s a tall task.
Enter Kung Fu Cole Aldrich. There is so much going on in this picture, I don’t know where to start. I assume this came after one of Thabo’s twist-ending 3-pointers or a Russell Westbrook dagger. But you’ve got Reggie Jackson singing into an imaginary microphone, Lazar Hayward staring right into my soul, Aldrich playing air guitar and Eric Maynor trying to jump up in celebration on a busted knee. Good picture, you guys.
If you feel so inclined, go ahead and create your own caption. Bonus for rhyming.