Thursday Bolts – 9.15.16

James Herbert of with reasons OKC will be OK: “After Adams’ work against the

Spurs and Warriors in the playoffs, even the most casual NBA observers are now familiar with his game. His potential, though, still might not be fully appreciated. Last season, Adams posted a minuscule 12.6 percent usage rate — with two phenomenal playmakers, Oklahoma City did not need him to do much on offense other than set screens, score around the basket and battle for rebounds. Now that Durant is gone, Adams will have the opportunity to do more. No one should expect the Thunder to force-feed Adams the ball on the block over and over again like he’s Hakeem Olajuwon. They should involve him more in the offense, though, and allow him to be more of a facilitator. He’s ready for the responsibility.”
Victor Oladipo in an interview with Complex: “It was crazy man, he pretty much just asked me if I was ready. And I am, I’m looking forward to it. It’s funny, before it actually happened we were talking about playing together anyway. We had a relationship beforehand, so we used to talk all the time when we used to run into each other and things like that, I would mention playing with him, how cool it would be. And now it’s actually happened, so I’m looking forward to playing alongside him—I know he’s gonna bring the best out of me and I’m gonna return the favor.”
Erik Horne: “Steven Adams and Andre Roberson made for imposing figures as they easily filled up the narrow hallways of Heritage Hall’s McClendon Athletic Center. And that was before the Thunder teammates suited up for football practice. Adams emerged from a coach’s office wearing a No. 77 jersey and a helmet, his long dark hair flowing out the back. The 7-footer played rugby in New Zealand, but it was his first time ever putting on a football helmet. Roberson went all out — full gear from head-to-toe. In shoulder pads, the 6-7 shooting guard could pass for a wide receiver. He may have grown up in Texas, but Roberson hasn’t played football since middle school.”
Bob Myers: “He looked in Kevin’s eyes and said, ‘I want you on this team’, and he sent a brilliant text to Kevin that said, ‘If you win MVP or I win MVP, it doesn’t matter; we’re trying to win championships. And if you do win, I’ll be in the front row clapping for you at the press conference’.”
Down To Dunk’s season preview pod will be Sept. 27. Be there!