Tuesday Bolts – 6.16.09

Bill Ingram of HoopsWorld on Hasheem Thabeet: “At HOOPSWORLD we’ve had some informed sources tell us the

Thunder are interested in drafting a point guard and moving Russell Westbrook over to the two. If that’s the case, you would think the Thunder are probably interested in, say, Stephen Curry, Jonny Flynn, or maybe Ricky Rubio. Then there’s been the ongoing rumor that Sam Presti really likes James Harden (and what’s not to like?), who would play the two next to Westbrook. Then again, as Mayberry aptly points out, what the Thunder truly lack more than anything else is a defensive stopper in the middle. The only real low post defensive stopper in this draft is Thabeet.”
Brandon Jennings was like, “Rubio’s no good!” now he’s all like, “Just playin’!”: “One more thing, I went overboard about the Rubio thing, I was wrong for saying he’s all hype that’s not fair. I was wrong, I guess I just wanna compete against the best. But off the court the kid is a great guy. I will never disrespect him, I just like too go against the best … well yea saying he’s all HYPE yea that was wrong. But far as wanting too be the best PG no. Im mad im not gon be the #1 pick.”
Speaking of Twitter, Nick Collison mildly amuses me again: “Golfing at det scremphs charity tourney. Thru 7 holes I’ve used 7 balls. My golf names..vanilla slice,andrew slice clay, condoleezza slice … I can’t believe the restaraunt Sbarro is filing for sbankruptcy. Its getting sbad, really sbad.” I actually laughed out loud at the last one.
Rubio’s stock is rising and falling: “For most of the year Rubio was the consensus No. 2 pick in the draft. But after the lottery was settled last month, things became much more interesting. The chances of Rubio slipping in the draft seem to grow by the day. While NBA executives are in love with Rubio’s skill set, they are worried about his lack of strength, inconsistent shooting and a looming war with his Spanish team, DKV Joventut, over Rubio’s whopping $6 million-plus buyout. Rubio has filed a grievance with the Spanish league looking to reduce the buyout. A complicated situation with the Spanish IRS and the team have only muddied the waters. Rubio’s been pretty adamant that he doesn’t want to be in Memphis, which holds the No. 2 pick in the draft. While he doesn’t have the same objection to Oklahoma City, which holds the third pick, sources say the Thunder are leaning toward drafting either James Harden or Stephen Curry.”
Austin Daye stayed in the draft, Luke Harangody and Damion James did not and Greivis Vasquez pulled out. Jodie Meeks, Patrick Mills and Jeff Teague all stayed in.
FanHouse hits us with new mock: “Thunder: James Harden, SG, Arizona State – Harden manages to fit a Thunder need and the Thunder style. I don’t believe pairing Russell Westbrook with a true point guard will work properly. But stick him with a two-guard who can handle (with Jeff Green and Kevin Durant up front) and things might get less erratic back there.”
Rubio does not appear to be excited to play alongside Gilbert Arenas: “In the unlikely case that Rubio slips past Sacramento, it appears that Washington will not hesitate to pick him if they feel like he’s indeed the best player on their draft board. The prevailing sentiment at the moment is that Rubio is not in a position to return to Joventut, and that he may have lost some of the leverage he once had by keeping his name in the draft and suing his former team. Many feel like Rubio would be a good fit in Washington playing alongside Gilbert Arenas, but Rubio’s camp apparently does not agree with that notion at all.”
Sam Amico looks at the underclassmen that decided to stay or go: “Little Partick Mills of little St. Mary’s is another guard who is staying in the draft. He sometimes goes by the nickname “Patty,” giving this draft an overabundance of prospects whose names would fit a boy or a girl (Jodie Meeks, Patty Mills, N.C. State guard Courtney Fells, and of course, forward Sam Young of Pittsburgh). Name aside, Mills is a water bug of a point guard who has been compared favorably to former NBA mighty mite Earl Boykins.”
Fox Sports finally came out with a mock: “OKC – James Harden – Harden lacks superstar potential, but then again that’s what everyone thought about Brandon Roy before he was drafted. GM Sam Presti could opt for Rubio, but he may be more trouble than he’s worth with the huge buyout. This team is under the gun to build a winner around Durant before he reaches the end of his contract. Harden measured extremely well in Chicago with a 6-10 wingspan and a legit 6-5 in shoes. He also shocked it with great athleticism test numbers as well, including a 37-inch vertical. He’s about the most sure bet in this draft of anyone outside of Griffin.”
Bill Laimbeer resigned yesterday from his head coaching position in the WNBA. The Thunder has an assistant coaching position open. It is supposedly to be filled by the end of next week. Could something be happening here? Or just coincidence?
Omri Casspi totally showed up Austin Daye in New Jersey: “New Jersey hosted a massive workout over three days, inviting a whole slate of first round prospects and just about every NBA front office. Who stole the show? Austin Daye’s fat lip. Or bloody lip, actually. Israeli prospect Omri Casspi reportedly manhandled the twiggy Daye in 5-on-5 competition. DraftExpress reported Daye ended up with a cut lip requiring stitches. Wait … a European player … out-toughing an American? Mon dieu! Apparently, Casspi is doing the same thing at every stop. Not drawing blood necessarily, but throwing down the stereotypes that all Euros are stuffed with down and darned with straw. First the Gasols, now Casspi? Our world will never be the same.”
Also, I just won the first contest in my life. I randomly got on Twitter to check Nick Collison’s updates and Rumble had a new post about a Rumble prize pack and call some number so I thought, “What they hay?” and called in. And I won! I get a Rumble poster, a Rumble shirt, a Rumble tattoo and some Rumble stickers. I’m so… happy? Don’t worry, I had a person in the age group that would enjoy this sort of thing in mind. (And here’s my congrats message. One minute and 14 seconds? I feel pathetic.)
And someone has made a fake Mike Dunleavy Twitter. This should have fantastic results.
UPDATE: Chad Ford’s *new* mock. If you read last week’s don’t even bother clicking.