Wednesday Bolts – 11.16.11

Matt Moore of on the difference between a disclaimer of interest and decertification: “Collective bargaining was established to protect employers in their negotiations with unions and vice-versa. Subsequently, it was established in U.S. law that employers are exempt from antitrust litigation, provided they stay within the framework of collective bargaining. So if you want to sue your employer for antitrust, you need to dissolve your union. You can do that two ways. You can decertify, which involves what we’ve been talking about, where union membership petitions for a vote to decertify the union; the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) verifies that petition; and then a vote is held to decertify, needing a simple majority to pass. Or you can disclaim interest — which means union leadership dissolves itself. Decertification is bottom-up; disclaimer of interest is top-down.”
The players have filed a lawsuit against the league with KD being a plaintiff. Ken Berger of “The crux of the players’ argument is that, absent a union relationship to shield them from antitrust law, the 30 NBA owners are engaging in a group boycott that eliminates a market and competition for players’ services and are in breach of contract and violation of antitrust law. The players are seeking to be compensated for three times their lost wages as permitted by law, plus legal fees and any other relieft the court deems necessary and appropriate.”
Interesting stuff on how much each Thunder player lost yesterday with a missed paycheck. KD missed out on $1.3 million. Westbrook and Perk nearly $500,000 each. Serge Ibaka and Byron Mullens right at $125,000. All in all, Clay Bennett was able to keep $5,153,768 in his pocket today by not having to pay the Thunder roster.
KD said on ESPN’s Texas broadcast yesterday that he doesn’t think the current proposal would pass if put up to all players.
Via KD’s official site: “The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research (MJFF) today announced that Nike’s total funds raised for the Foundation, generated by the 10-day eBay auction of 1,500 pairs of limited edition 2011 NIKE MAG shoes, topped $4.7 million. The funds will go straight to the Foundation’s aggressive research programs to help speed a cure for Parkinson’s disease.”
Here’s what KD would look like in a BBC Bayreuth jersey. That’s a German team.
OKC could lose $60 million because of the lockout.
Chris Palmer of decided KD is a better athlete than Melo: “This matchup is a one of conflicting styles and almost awkward in comparison because Durant and Anthony’s skill sets are so incongruous. But that’s what makes it interesting. And very close. Durant gets the win because what he does, he does really well. And unlike Anthony you can see the tangible effect that Durant’s athletic ability has on the entire floor each play he has the ball. While a terrific athlete, Anthony’s best qualities are often used in isolation situations that benefit only him.”